Engineering College Admission Test (ECAT) is a test conducted in Pakistan each year for admission in BE/BS/BSc Engineering degree. ECAT is conducted by University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore in the Punjab.


1.Reading ComprehensionMCQsOnline Test
2.English StructureMCQsOnline Test
3.Error DetectionMCQsOnline Test
4.SynonymsMCQsOnline Test
5.AntonymsMCQsOnline Test
6.Correct Incorrect SentencesMCQsOnline Test
7.Direct IndirectMCQsOnline Test
8.Active Passive VoiceMCQsOnline Test
9.PrepositionMCQsOnline Test
10.VocabularyMCQsOnline Test
11.Writing ExpressionMCQsOnline Test
12.Sentence CorrectionMCQsOnline Test
13.PunctuationMCQsOnline Test
14.Jumbled SentencesMCQsOnline Test
15.Sentence CompletionMCQsOnline Test


1.Number SystemMCQsOnline Test
2.Sets, Functions and GroupsMCQsOnline Test
3.Matrices and DeterminantsMCQsOnline Test
4.Quadratic EquationsMCQsOnline Test
5.Partial FractionsMCQsOnline Test
6.Sequences and SeriesMCQsOnline Test
7.Permutation, Combination and ProbabilityMCQsOnline Test
8.Mathematical Induction and Binomial TheoremMCQsOnline Test
9.Fundamentals of TrigonometryMCQsOnline Test
10.Trigonometric IdentitiesMCQsOnline Test
11.Trigonometric Functions and their GraphsMCQsOnline Test
12.Application of TrigonometryMCQsOnline Test
13.Inverse Trigonometric FunctionsMCQsOnline Test
14.Solutions of Trigonometric EquationMCQsOnline Test
15.Function and LimitsMCQsOnline Test
16.DifferentiationMCQsOnline Test
17.IntegrationMCQsOnline Test
18.Introduction to Analytic GeometryMCQsOnline Test
19.Linear Inequalities and Linear ProgrammingMCQsOnline Test
20.Conic SectionMCQsOnline Test
21.VectorsMCQsOnline Test


1.Basics of Information TechnologyMCQsOnline Test
2.Information NetworksMCQsOnline Test
3.Data CommunicationMCQsOnline Test
4.Applications and Uses of ComputersMCQsOnline Test
5.Computer ArchitectureMCQsOnline Test
6.Security, Copyright and the LawMCQsOnline Test
7.Windows Operating SystemMCQsOnline Test
8.Word ProcessingMCQsOnline Test
9.Spreadsheet SoftwareMCQsOnline Test
10.Fundamentals of the InternetMCQsOnline Test
11.Data BasicsMCQsOnline Test
12.Basic Concepts and Terminology of DatabasesMCQsOnline Test
13.Database Design ProcessMCQsOnline Test
14.Data integrity and NormalizationMCQsOnline Test
15.Introduction to Microsoft AccessMCQsOnline Test
16.Table and QueryMCQsOnline Test
17.Microsoft Access Forms & ReportsMCQsOnline Test
18.Getting Started With CMCQsOnline Test
19.Elements of CMCQsOnline Test
20.Input and OutputMCQsOnline Test
21.Decision ConstructsMCQsOnline Test
22.Looping ConstructsMCQsOnline Test
23.Functions in CMCQsOnline Test
24.File Handling in CMCQsOnline Test
25.ArraysMCQsOnline Test


1.MeasurementsMCQsOnline Test
2.Vectors and EquilibriumMCQsOnline Test
3.Motion and forceMCQsOnline Test
4.WorkMCQsOnline Test
5.Circular MotionMCQsOnline Test
6.Fluid DynamicsMCQsOnline Test
7.OscillationsMCQsOnline Test
8.WavesMCQsOnline Test
9.Physical OpticsMCQsOnline Test
10.Optical InstrumentsMCQsOnline Test
11.Heat and ThermodynamicsMCQsOnline Test
12.ElectrostaticsMCQsOnline Test
13.Current ElectricityMCQsOnline Test
14.ElectromagnetismMCQsOnline Test
15.Electromagnetic InductionMCQsOnline Test
16.Alternating CurrentMCQsOnline Test
17.Physics of SolidsMCQsOnline Test
18.ElectronicsMCQsOnline Test
19.Dawn of Modern PhysicsMCQsOnline Test
20.Atomic SpectraMCQsOnline Test
21.Nuclear PhysicsMCQsOnline Test


1.Basic ConceptsMCQsOnline Test
2.Experimental Techniques in ChemistryMCQsOnline Test
3.GasesMCQsOnline Test
4.Liquids and SolidsMCQsOnline Test
5.Atomic StructureMCQsOnline Test
6.Chemical BondingMCQsOnline Test
7.Thermo chemistryMCQsOnline Test
8.Chemical EquilibriumMCQsOnline Test
9.SolutionsMCQsOnline Test
10.ElectrochemistryMCQsOnline Test
11.Reaction KineticsMCQsOnline Test
12.Periodic Classification of Elements and PeriodicityMCQsOnline Test
13.s-Block ElementsMCQsOnline Test
14.Group IIIA and Group IVA ElementsMCQsOnline Test
15.Group VA and VIA ElementsMCQsOnline Test
16.The Halogens and the Noble GasesMCQsOnline Test
17.Transition ElementsMCQsOnline Test
18.Fundamental Principles of Organic ChemistryMCQsOnline Test
19.Aliphatic HydrocarbonsMCQsOnline Test
20.Aromatic HydrocarbonsMCQsOnline Test
21.Alkyl HalidesMCQsOnline Test
22.Alcohols, Phenols and EthersMCQsOnline Test
23.Aldehydes and KetonsMCQsOnline Test
24.Carboxylic AcidsMCQsOnline Test
25.MacromoleculesMCQsOnline Test
26.Common Chemical IndustriesMCQsOnline Test
27.Environmental ChemistryMCQsOnline Test