Medical College Admission Test

The MCAT is computer-based and tests physical and biological sciences, verbal reasoning, and writing skills. In 2015, the AAMC added a new section called Psychological, Social and Biological Foundations of Behavior.

The MCAT is a computer based standardized examination for prospective medical students in the USA, Australia and Canada. It helps to gauge problem solving, analytic thinking, written better analysis and knowledge of scientific concepts and principles.

How much does it cost to take the Mcats?

The earlier you register for a test date, the cheaper the costs. The MCAT exam itself costs at least $305, plus another $95 if you are taking it internationally. This is if you are in the Gold Zone, which means registering for the exam at least a month ahead of time.

Who is Eligible?

MCAT 2019 Eligibility. Any candidates interested in pursuing career in Allopathic, Osteopathic, Podiatric and Veterinary can appear for the MCAT test. Students from US and Canada must have a UG degree to be eligible for the exam.

The eligibility criteria of the candidates that have passed inter exams from a recognized examination board in Pakistan must have 60%. MDCAT marks are 50%.

What percentage is needed for MCAT?

The applicants considered must have taken the MDCAT (MCAT) and passed HSSC/F.Sc. (Pre-Medical) or equivalent examination with a minimum of 60% marks.

When can I register for the 2020 MCAT?

AJ has announced its syllabus for MCAT 2020. Syllabus is same as last year. Punjab MCAT test is based on four subject’s major subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and English.

MCAT test is very competitive, every year thousands of students appear in it to get admission in Medical colleges, but only those students get selected who perform good in MCAT.


1.Biology & Its Major Fields of SpecializationMCQsOnline Test
2.Biological MoleculesMCQsOnline Test
3.EnzymesMCQsOnline Test
4.The CellMCQsOnline Test
5.Variety of LifeMCQsOnline Test
6.Kingdom Prokaryoteae (Monera)MCQsOnline Test
7.Kingdom Protista (Protoctista)MCQsOnline Test
8.Fungi (The Kingdom of Recyclers)MCQsOnline Test
9.Kingdom PlantaeMCQsOnline Test
10.Kingdom AnimaliaMCQsOnline Test
11.BioenergeticsMCQsOnline Test
12.NutritionMCQsOnline Test
13.Gaseous ExchangeMCQsOnline Test
14.TransportMCQsOnline Test
15.HomeostasisMCQsOnline Test
16.Support & MovementMCQsOnline Test
17.Co-Ordination & ControlMCQsOnline Test
18.ReproductionMCQsOnline Test
19.Growth & DevelopmentMCQsOnline Test
20.Chromosomes & DNAMCQsOnline Test
21.Cell CycleMCQsOnline Test
22.Variation & GeneticsMCQsOnline Test
23.BiotechnologyMCQsOnline Test
24.EvolutionMCQsOnline Test
25.EcosystemMCQsOnline Test
26.Some Major EcosystemMCQsOnline Test
27.Man & His EnvironmentMCQsOnline Test


1.Reading ComprehensionMCQsOnline Test
2.English StructureMCQsOnline Test
3.PrepositionMCQsOnline Test
4.VocabularyMCQsOnline Test
5.Writing ExpressionMCQsOnline Test
6.Sentence CorrectionMCQsOnline Test
7.Direct & Indirect SpeechMCQsOnline Test
8.Active & Passive VoiceMCQsOnline Test
9.PunctuationMCQsOnline Test


1.Introduction to PhysicsMCQsOnline Test
2.Units & MeasurementsMCQsOnline Test
3.Dimensions & Significant FiguresMCQsOnline Test
4.Scalars & VectorsMCQsOnline Test
5.One Dimensional MotionMCQsOnline Test
6.ForcesMCQsOnline Test
7.MomentumMCQsOnline Test
8.Projectile MotionMCQsOnline Test
9.Circular MotionMCQsOnline Test
10.Torque Angular Momentum & EquilibriumMCQsOnline Test
11.GravitationMCQsOnline Test
12.Work, Power & EnergyMCQsOnline Test
13.Fluid DynamicsMCQsOnline Test
14.Oscillatory MotionMCQsOnline Test
15.Stationary WavesMCQsOnline Test
16.Sound WavesMCQsOnline Test
17.Super Position of SoundMCQsOnline Test
18.Nature of LightMCQsOnline Test
19.Refraction of LightMCQsOnline Test
20.ThermometryMCQsOnline Test
21.Transfer of HeatMCQsOnline Test
22.Kinetic Theory of MatterMCQsOnline Test
23.Specific HeatMCQsOnline Test
24.ThermodynamicsMCQsOnline Test
25.ElectrostaticsMCQsOnline Test
26.ElectrodynamicsMCQsOnline Test
27.Magnetic Effects of CurrentMCQsOnline Test
28.Electromagnetic InductionMCQsOnline Test
29.Electromechanical InstrumentsMCQsOnline Test
30.ElectronicsMCQsOnline Test
31.Advent of Modern PhysicsMCQsOnline Test
32.The Atomic SpectraMCQsOnline Test
33.The Atomic NucleusMCQsOnline Test
34.Nuclear RadiationMCQsOnline Test


1.Introduction to Fundamentals of ChemistryMCQsOnline Test
2.Gaseous StateMCQsOnline Test
3.Liquid & Solid StateMCQsOnline Test
4.Atomic StructureMCQsOnline Test
5.Chemical BondingMCQsOnline Test
6.Chemical EnergeticMCQsOnline Test
7.Chemical EquilibriumMCQsOnline Test
8.SolutionMCQsOnline Test
9.ElectrochemistryMCQsOnline Test
10.Chemical KineticsMCQsOnline Test
11.Periodic TableMCQsOnline Test
12.Hydrogen & WaterMCQsOnline Test
13.Group IA (Alkali Metals)MCQsOnline Test
14.Group IIA (Alkaline Earth Metals)MCQsOnline Test
15.Group IIIA (Boron Family)MCQsOnline Test
16.Group IVA (Carbon Family)MCQsOnline Test
17.Group VA (Nitrogen Family)MCQsOnline Test
18.Group VIA (Oxygen Family)MCQsOnline Test
19.Group VIIA (Halogen Family)MCQsOnline Test
20.Zero Group (Noble Gases)MCQsOnline Test
21.d-Block Elements (Transition Metals)MCQsOnline Test
22.Introduction To Organic ChemistryMCQsOnline Test
23.Chemistry Of HydrocarbonsMCQsOnline Test
24.Aromatic CompoundsMCQsOnline Test
25.Organic Compounds Based On Functional GroupsMCQsOnline Test
26.Chemistry of LifeMCQsOnline Test
27.Chemical IndustriesMCQsOnline Test
28.Experimental Techniques In ChemistryMCQsOnline Test